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Friday, September 6, 2013

Brooks Pure Flow 2, My Thoughts

I love these shoes.

So far I have around 50 miles on my pair of Brooks Pure Flow 2s. Those miles are split pretty even between road and trails. While these shoes are not "trail" shoes I enjoy the way they feel both on the pavement and the dirt.

When I bought these shoes I didn't intend to use them too often on the trails however after a few runs I thought they felt great. I decided that I would try them on the Wapack Trail Race. They were fantastic! My feet felt great the entire race, I never had an issue with grip (although if the trail was muddy I may have), and they just feel fast. I have noticed on wet pavement they slip a bit.

For me, these shoes are very comfortable. They felt great right from the start, I never developed any blisters while breaking the shoes in. There are no spots where they feel tight, but they also never feel loose, they just fit. For some shoes when I really tie the laces tight I can feel them rubbing the top of my foot, not with the Pure Flows, I can crank the laces down and they still feel fine. There is a lot of room in the toe box which I like while the middle of the shoe seems to hold tight to your foot. On my first run with them they felt a little loose around the heel, however I haven't noticed that feeling since the first run. I may have just gotten used to the feeling of the heel.

They have a 4mm drop. I'm a midfoot striker so this feels good for me. The midfoot also has a good amount of padding. The shoes feel like they protect my feet, but also offer a really good feel for the ground. In short they are comfortable with just the right amount of bounce.

The soles have held up fine with very little wear over the first 50 miles. The entire shoe has held up very well so far, with no ripping or tearing, especially considering I took them over 18 miles of the Wapack Trail and snagged them on many rocks and roots.

I look for comfort in a shoe and for me these shoes have it.

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